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18. Authorize Access - Dynamic

This use case provides, in detail, the steps for the dynamic method of authorizing access to a protected resource. It stems from the ‘Grant access to a protected resource’ use case and expands on Step 4, ‘Authorization Check.’ Under the dynamic model, an organization establishes a set of access policies. Whenever a user attempts to access a protected resource, the access control system (ACS) evaluates their attributes against those policies. When a user’s attributes change, their access entitlements change dynamically. This model is typical of ABAC (attribute-based access control) systems.

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Pre-condition: Individual’s credential has been authenticated and meets the minimum required level of assurance.

1. Obtain Identifier Obtain user’s identifier from user’s authenticated context.
2. Obtain Access Policies Obtain resource’s access control policies.
3. Obtain Relevant Attributes Obtain the attributes needed for the access decision.
The attributes needed could be about the individual, the resource, or the environment.
4. Evaluate Policies Evaluate collected attribute data against the access control policies.
5. Access Decision If the request meets the conditions of the access policies, the ACS grants the individual access to the protected resource. Otherwise, access is denied.

Post-condition: Individual is granted or denied access to the resource.

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